Cardinals finish with a one-all draw against Garrard County 

LONDON — Deuces are wild went it comes to the South Laurel Cardinal soccer team.
They are now 2-2-2 on the season after finishing with a one-all draw against Garrard County on Saturday.
The Cardinals controlled the game throughout until the Lions tied the game at one apiece during the 69th minute.
Neither team managed to find the back of the net the remainder of the game. 
“We have made significant improvements from our match versus Whitley,” South Laurel coach Brooks Cawood said. “Our boys did much better holding their shape in the center of the field and that overall gave us better possession to create opportunities.”
South Laurel took a 1-0 lead after Ryan Martinez assisted Zach Rayburn for a goal during the 25th minute and held the one-goal edge until Garrard County scored on a corner kick during the 69th minute.
“Zach played his best game of the season today and was able to create several opportunities today. He came out playing physical and with heart and you could tell he was a man on a mission. Garrard County played us close and tough,” Cawood said.  “I was pleased that we played a little more physical than we have been. We’ve got some significant injuries from the Whitley game and we had a couple more today. The good thing is that we have young men that have been willing to step up and give good varsity minutes.”
South Laurel will be back in action Thursday against Taylor County.