WHAT A COMEBACK: Redhounds rally behind Elam, and Combs, defeat Pikeville, 24-19 

Tom Greer’s Corbin Redhounds spotted Pikeville a 13-point lead in the first half before rallying to defeat the Panthers, 24-19.

The Redhounds rallied to take a 14–3 advantage at halftime, and held on to get the win behind the play of Kade Elam, and Cameron Combs. 

Corbin found itself in a 13-0 hole just 13 minutes into the game. Pikeville scored on a 17-yard touchdown run with 6:13 left in the first quarter to take a 6-0 lead before adding a 13-yard pass reception that went for a score, giving the Panthers a 13-0 advantage.

Both Combs and Elam saw playing time at the quarterback position with Elam’s 28-yard touchdown pass to Hunter Newberry with 8:29 remaining in the first half making the score 13-7.

Corbin took its first lead of the game (14-13) with 2:13 left in the second quarter as Combs scored on a two-yard carry.

Combs’ second rushing touchdown, a one-yarder with 6:36 remaining in the third quarter, gave Corbin a 21-13 cushion while Jacob Baker added a 24-yard field goal at the 6:22 mark in the fourth quarter to make the score, 24-13.

The Panthers made things interesting by  scoring on an 80-yard touchdown run 17 seconds later to cut their deficit to 24-19.

Corbin weathered the storm and wrapped up the five-point victory. The Redhounds will host Whitley County Friday at 7:30 p.m.