Cast your Line and Support North Laurel High School’s Bass Team at their Fundraiser Tournament

LONDON — North Laurel High School’s bass team is excited to announce the first annual NLHS Bass Fundraiser Bass Tournament. 

“It’s the first time as a team that we have opened our tournaments to the public,” North Laurel coach Nathan Stewart said. “The proceeds will go towards funding the 2023-2024 bass team to help alleviate some of the expenses associated with bass fishing. We understand that it can be a significant burden on parents and boat captains, with costs like truck and boat fuel, tackle, and equipment, so any contribution will greatly assist the families involved in this wonderful sport.”

The tournament will take place on Nov. 25, which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, starting at safe light and continuing until 3 p.m.on Laurel Lake, launching from Marsh Branch. 

“We hope that this date will allow families to enjoy fishing together, especially when kids return from college during the holiday season,” Stewart said. “This is why we are allowing three people in a boat for this tournament, even though normal bass tournaments usually cap it at two per boat. The high school format of a boat captain plus two high school anglers, combined with the holiday spirit, has led us to this decision. Our boat captains, who usually spend a lot of time driving during high school tournaments, will have the opportunity to fish as well.”

To register for the tournament, simply scan the QR code linked on the flyer using your cell phone. Please note that the order of registration will be determined by your boat number — early registration is encouraged.