TWO IN A ROW: South Laurel takes a 2-1 victory over Clay County

LONDON — Friday’s game showcased formidable pitching from both sides, but it was the South Laurel Cardinals who emerged victorious with a narrow 2-1 win over the Clay County Tigers.

Waylon Hensley took the mound for the Cardinals, delivering an impressive performance by tallying 20 outs, including 10 strikeouts. Hensley, conceded only one run on six hits across six and two-thirds innings, displaying excellent control with no walks.

The Tigers struck first in the opening inning when Brandin Crawford’s single brought in a run. However, the Cardinals quickly responded in the fourth inning as Hunter Bundy’s double leveled the score at one apiece. South Laurel seized the lead in the fifth inning courtesy of a single by Austin Byrd, making it 2-1 in their favor.

Clay County’s Talan Marcum was credited with the loss after pitching six innings, allowing two runs on four hits while striking out four and issuing one walk. Keaton Smith secured the save for the Cardinals.

Contributions from Keaton Creech, Tyler Curry, Bundy, and Byrd saw each of them register a hit for the Cardinals, with Bundy and Byrd each driving in a run. Meanwhile, Crawford led the Tigers’ offense by going 3-for-3 at the plate, driving in one run. Ethan Jackson also made an impact with two hits out of four at-bats for Clay County.

Despite the loss, Clay County’s defense remained solid, executing a double play and committing no errors throughout the game. Johnathan Smith stood out defensively with eight plays made.

Looking ahead, the South Laurel Cardinals will face off against the East Jessamine Jaguars on Saturday.