Facebook vs. Twitter Week 4 Fan Vote Pick’em Totals: Did we just have another upset in the 13th Region? 

Do you all agree with me?  

Football season goes way to fast? 

Can you believe we are already in the 4th week? Slow down please.

Last week Twitter was ahead of Facebook on the Fan Vote Pick’em totals out of a possible 53 games, Twitter led 28-25. 

They were nine games involving 13th Region teams this week let’s see how it played out.

Facebook only missed one, the Knox Central/Harlan County game. The Knox Central/Harlan County game also received the most votes on Facebook with 243. 

Twitter did not do as well, missing on two games, Knox Central/Harlan County and Jackson County/Shawnee. The South Laurel/Madison Central game received the most votes on Twitter with 37.

Facebook made a little comeback this week, but for the year, Twitter is still leading. 

Out of a possible 40 games involving 13th Region teams, Twitter has successfully picked 35 games correct while Facebook has picked 33. Keep voting 13th Region fans, this will go down to the wire.

Last week the North Laurel/Johnson Central game on Facebook had 85 percent picking Johnson Central, and 71 percent also picking Johnson Central on Twitter.  

May I say upset. 

This week out of  243 votes on Facebook 90 percent voted for Knox Central. On Twitter, out of 29 votes, 97 percent of the voters picked Knox Central. 

I also chose Knox Central, and I was wrong. 

Harlan County played a really solid game on both sides of the ball. The Black Bears will definitely be a team to keep an eye on the rest of the season. 

Bell got back in the win column, with a gutsy performance against Lincoln County, and Corbin is at a different level folks. 

But still, “On Any Given Friday.”

If you want the whole story of these games, or any of our other 13th Region games, or just like reading columns. Please look us up at www.13thregionmedianetwork.com